72. (1) No skier, snowshoer or pedestrian may make use of a snowmobile trail except in case of accident or emergency; in such cases he must cross the trail in a manner so as not to cause an accident or cause obstruction to normal use of the trail by any snowmobilist.
(2) No snowmobilist may use a trail reserved solely for another sport such as cross-country skiing, downhill skiing or snowshoeing except in the case of accident or emergency; in such a case, he must be certain that he can do so without risk and take the necessary precautions so as not to cause an accident or cause obstruction to normal use of such a trail by any user.
(3) Except in cases of accident or emergency, no road vehicle other than a snowmobile and its cutter may be used on a snowmobile trail save to cross it as directly as possible; in such cases, the trail must be crossed in a manner so as not to cause an accident or to obstruct normal use of the trail by a snowmobilist. This provision does not apply to a vehicle used for the upkeep of the trail, such as a groomer or a packer.